How long wilt thou forget me, O LORD? forever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me? How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? how long shall mine enemy be exalted over me?

Psalms 13:1-2 (KJV)


Are you spiritually weak when going through a time of depression? Some may argue that you are. Though depression can result from sin or a deficiency of faith, those are not the only causes. Even Jesus experienced sadness and grief, yet He was without sin. The truth is that depression can have many sources, some of which are beyond our control.

Psalm 13, written by King David, a man described as being after God’s heart, is a must-read for anyone amid sorrow. You will relate to David as he pours out his heart to God. He was weary and depressed to the point of contemplating death or having suicidal thoughts. His writings are raw and honest, and they are real! As you read through the Psalm, you see him pleading with God and asking how long he must suffer until God shows up. The fact that these documented emotions are in the Bible is a powerful reminder that God doesn’t condemn the depressed.

To understand how King David dealt with his depression, read the last few verses of Psalms 13. David cried out to God and confessed all the past miracles God did for him. He talked to himself about the Lord’s unfailing love, projected himself into his future by declaring that the Lord would save him because of His mercy, and in the last verse, he sang about how the Lord had blessed him abundantly.

It is possible to overcome depression through a deep understanding of Christ. The Holy Spirit can assist you by guiding you to believe in the Lord’s mercy and love for you. If you are not familiar with Jesus, call upon His name for salvation and ask Him to shift your focus from darkness to His light. If you know someone who is a faithful follower of Jesus, share your struggles without placing blame or finding fault. As you approach Christ, He will also approach you.