For if you are trying to make yourselves right with God by keeping the law, you have been cut off from Christ! You have fallen away from God’s grace.

Galatians 5:4 (NLT)


Legalism, a perilous path, emerges when we strive to please God through our own efforts, devoid of the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Our innate tendencies, shaped by our personality, family background, and loyalties, are part of our old nature, known as ‘the flesh.’ Even if we engage in religious activities such as preaching, singing, or sharing our beliefs, relying solely on our abilities is not pleasing to God. The issue is not the actions themselves, but our reliance on our strength to execute them.

Remember, the approval of man for your actions does not necessarily mean that what you are doing ‘for God’ is acceptable to Him. Your actions should be carried out, not in the pursuit of human approval, but in reliance on the Holy Spirit’s direction rooted in the love of God. His grace is crucial, as it ensures that your deeds are not hypocritical and unappealing to God, as well as to others.

The idolatry of legalism, driven by a misguided spirit, is incredibly seductive. The Pharisees, who were supposed to be the spiritual leaders of their communities, ended up prioritizing the law over the perfect law keeper, Jesus Christ. Despite Jesus, the Son of God, standing right before them, enduring their hostilities, jealousy, and strife, they were infuriated by His lifestyle. When your motivation for following the law and doing good is to gain approval from others, it’s selfish. It’s like being a cup that looks clean on the outside but is filthy on the inside. You know the evil in your heart, and God does, too, yet you maintain a reputation of being a ‘good Christian.’ Only the Holy Spirit can make you holy. Pleasing God doesn’t come from how many good things you do, how well you pray in public, or even how much you know. What pleases God is that you know and trust Him, boasting in His righteousness, justice, and loving-kindness.